Publish Time:2024-12-01
Select "Run in Browser" in the Cocos Creator editor
Confirm that the trial play runs normally from start to finish in the browser
In Cocos Creator menu bar, select [Project] - [Build and Publish]
[Game Name] and [Build Path] can be customized
[Platform] select Web Mobile
[Included Scenes] check all
[Inline All SpriteFrames] check
[Device Orientation] select according to actual needs, landscape for horizontal, portrait for vertical, auto for both;
After confirming the above parameters, click [Build Path] - [Open]
If a popup appears as shown in the image, it means the project has been built before. To ensure the build is for the latest project, it's recommended to delete the folder in the build path (the build folder name in the image);
If no popup appears, proceed directly to the next build step
Click [Build], when the progress bar status shows complete, it means the build is finished;
Open the build path folder from the [Build], find the successfully built files, and convert them to zip format. The successfully compressed zip file